His language might be a little course at times but Stand-up comedian Dana Gould is a Sci-Fi movie and Hollywood History buff. You can download a lot of his previous stuff and it should keep you going for awhile.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Looking for Podcast recommendations.
by nicolaou ini'm a postman so i get 4 to 5 hours every day with my headphones on and i'm really chewing through some stuff.
i'm after science (evolutionary biology and anthropology especially), history of religion and comedy.
old sci-fi audio books are also a favourite.
I was surprised today by what I saw a JW driving
by days of future passed ini was out thrift shopping where my sister lives.
before i went in to the store, i went to donut shop a few doors down.
as i walked up, there by the window was a family and others eating donuts.
Pete Zahut
I think the point of the story is that :
JW's aren't supposed to make a showy display of ones means of life....especially while out in field service, lest they distract the householder from the message and/or stumble the JW's of lesser means. JW's are encouraged to pursue the ministry rather than procuring/storing riches in this system. The admonition in their publications and from the platform is to follow the humble and lowly example set by Jesus and the Apostles and to separate oneself from the world and to distain its materialistic pursuits.
(Although if you visit any of the new Bethel complexes, you'd soon realize that material comforts are first and foremost on their minds and they don't give a hoot how showy their properties are. When I was a Bethelite, the higher ranking members were driven to meetings and elsewhere in black Lincoln Town cars. I remember getting counseled when I was young because my car only had 2 doors and was deemed impractical for service.)
Your Top Ten Favourite Movies?
by LoveUniHateExams injust thought i'd start a thread about favourite movies.
mine, in no particular order, are .... alien - a great visual film.
the chest-bursting scene is still great to watch, no matter how many times i've seen the movie.
Pete Zahut
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds.
Directed by Paul Newman 1972 starring Joanne Woodward
The first movie I went to see by myself as a kid but I haven't seen it since. I want to find it and watch it just to see if it was as good as I remember.
Trump explains this generation
by eyeslice2 inglad to see the president making good use of visual aids again after his hurricane debacle.. .
Pete Zahut
Lol. Good one. Thumbs up!
Speaking of thumbs...his thumb is missing in the photo.
Jw's mentioned in shows
by days of future passed inhave you ever been watching a show and suddenly, there's a reference to jehovah's witnesses?
i was watching an english mystery show from a while back and the main character hetty, was giving a list of religions that could have drawn off a young girl.
one of the "fringe" groups was tada - jehovah's witnesses.. there is plenty of other more well known clips like snl coneheads being approached by fake jw's.
Two Bible Beliefs of Jehovah`s Witnesses ,Do They Align with each other ?
by smiddy3 in1.the first is 2 cor.4:4 that satan is "the god of this system of things" to blind the minds of the unbelievers etc.. so logically this "system of things" would mean the governments ,politicians, armed forces and law enforcement agency`s such as the police would it not?
so satan is in control of all of these under the banner of being the god of this system of things.?.
2. rom.13: 1-7 " let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities for their is no authority except by god".
Pete Zahut
A few things that never added up were:
Wouldn't the world be in utter chaos if Satan had really been ruling the world all these thousands of years and he was the reason for all of mankind problems.
Wouldn't Satan make sure everything was running perfectly on earth if he were trying to prove that he could lure mankind away from god?
If Satan is running the world and he opposes Jehovah's and his organization, how come so many of his government agencies uphold the JW's right to practice their religion and even allow them to speak out and publicly criticize them?
Who Was/Is The Most Beautiful First Lady In USA?
by minimus injackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
Pete Zahut
Back in the day there was Elizabeth Taylor and Sophia Loren but it was First Lady Mamie Eisenhower who gave them all a run for their money.
The Day I Met a Midnight Cowboy
by Terry in“the day i met a midnight cowboy”a hollywood memory .
he approached me at the service counter.
clutched in his hand : something in a small paper bag.
Pete Zahut
Carol Ann collected 'interesting' people as she went through life. I was a part of her collection.
Terry....when I read your stories, I wish I lived in Ft Worth so we could be friends. I would sit in Starbucks with you, with my chin in the palm of my hand and listen to whatever you had to say. Do I sound pleased? If so, it's because I am.
I read one of your stories over the phone to a friend who lives several states away from here and I could hear him sniffling, down the telephone line. He was as touched by your words, as I was and as I knew he would be.
I may as well have been a balloon salesman on the dark side of the moon.Man....that just says it all. Who hasn't felt like that at least once in their life... LOL !
He was sort of like the sunny day that never was.
Ha....I think that description fits me... LOL !
Once Upon A Time In ... Hollywood (My review)
by Terry inonce upon a time in... hollywood my review.
i rode my bike through 3-digit temperature and watched quentin tarentino’s new film.the title harkens back to sergio leone’s trilogy titles.. i wanted to see it for personal reasons.
the time span covered is the background to much of my life.
Pete Zahut
Some younger people may find most of this stylized movie to be a bit ho-hum but I went to school with Sharon Tate's Cousin I and remember this time very well and the impact Sharon's death had on her family. In this movie we are not only subtly reminded of simple things from the past that we had almost forgotten about, a jingle from a TV commercial, the familiar dashboard of a car we may have ridden in as a kid or the sound of ice being pried from an old fashioned lever style ice tray, but we get to see history re-writen so that real life characters are (shall we say) "thwarted", across the years, before they were able to carry out their truly evil mission.
Staying a Jehovah's Witness
by lriddle80 inwhy the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
Pete Zahut
Shunning keeps JW's from hearing the other side of the story while simultaneously providing a means for them to feel extra virtuous about themselves.